Business Law - Interactive Online Activities March 29

Today you are going to explore Interactive Crime Websites!!!!!!

Please visit each website below and explore what each has to offer.

Some offer games/activities/videos, etc.  Have FUN!!!!

Investigation Discovery
Spend some time on this website - click on the gray tabs across the top of the page.

Investigation Discovery - Interactive Games

Crime and Investigation - games 
Fancy yourself as a detective? Put yourself to the test with these games of skill, deduction, knowledge and concentration - and see how you'd handle a life set against crime.

Who Dunnit?

FBI Fun and Games

How we investigate

Day in the Life of a Special Agent

Special Agent Challenge

FBI Adventures

Kansas Sentencing Guidelines - Court System

Kansas Sentencing Guidelines  - 2010 Desk Reference Manual

Kansas Judicial Council

Kansas Criminal Defense

Kansas Judicial Branch


Research Kansas Court System
Kansas Court System Chart
There are several different levels of courts in Kansas to handle various kinds of cases. You will research a court system and identify their duties and responsibilities, etc.  Create a presentation over your court system - using Notaland.  Add links to important documents, etc.  Videos.
  • Appellate Court/Court of Appeals
  • District Court
  • Municipal Court
  • Supreme Court
  • Judicial Council 
    • Include in your research the different level of judges and what it takes to become a judge
Ali-Aba Webcasts
Find Law Search Engine
Landmark Cases
Supreme Court Tour
Emory Law Search

Friday, January 6

Finish assignment sheet 1-1 and 1-2.

Quiz on Tuesday.

Civil Law
Criminal Law